Saturday, November 25, 2017
"Day Is Tiring"
Today is the busiest day, just imagine I will hold "Makrab" which is a night of intimacy held by an organization or institution coming from a region, makrab I this makrab from "Forsmawi" is a forum that contains a collection of students who come from Ngawi (yes Ngawi is the origin of my region) located in the region of Yogyakarta, we held this event to cultivate silahturahmi that in fact the child Overseas from Ngawi and we remind that here we still have a rantau family who are both struggling from the same region pursuing the ideals .Here I am as the committee exactly I as the second event treasurer, but unfortunately I am not very active because last week I focus on my HMJ HIMATIK, HMJ I also was holding OPREC is Open Recruitmen for students Informatics Engineering Department and there I as Event Committee committee Event so I prioritize the event that first runs.
Then back again to my Makrab, because my macrab event at the same time commemorate the birthday of FORSMAWI JOGJA then we initiative to hold the celebration with rice cone, because of minimal funds and if the message is expensive, my friends at the meeting directly point me to cook rice cone (Maybe my friends see my status that always upload my cooking results so they mendaulat me to cook the food to minimize the funding, initially I hesitate because the schedule is quite solid Saturday afternoon until the afternoon, finally with the minimbang and think of minimal funds I agreed to cook the yellow rice.
On the next day at six o'clock I had to go home my friend who was angry and cranky after two hours of no results and he did not want to forgive me, I went straight to the traditional market to buy the necessary ingredients and spices. My ten o'clock target must be ready to fry the material because at ten thirty there was Miss Katrina's class. But the real time fast running so I do not have time to fry, fortunately there is my friend is Dian Saputra, he was my high school friend first and he is also a college friend but we are different department he majoring in Information Systems. Fortunately the fry activity was continued by him while I went to college (make no mistake though Dian man, but he painstakingly lucky me I have a friend like him).
This Saturday's class is filled with courses from Miss Katrina and Discrete Mathematics which is supported by Mr. Damar. That finished at four-thirty in the afternoon. While the tumpeng cutting event took place on the next day and I have not made the rice. After finished all the courses I rushed to the boarding house and then I prepared everything exactly at five pm I was ready to do everything. Then I rushed to bathe and go to Kaliaurang street above, precisely at Villa Kapodang.
After arriving there I set and prepared the rice, imagine I went there bring two rice cookers to keep warm yellow rice because it is not possible if I print the rice and bring it up with the motor as well. So after that I feel relieved.
After the tumpeng cutting ceremony, the tumpeng was eaten with other committee I was happy to cook it and many people praised my cooking, I am proud of it. Then the next event was exactly eight o'clock in the evening there was a campfire where I felt comforted and as if the burden on the head was gone instantly, I was comforted by the art performances by the participants makrab then I began to drift away by the songs and the cold night but warmed from the fire the existing bed.
Unfortunately it did not last long around ten o'clock at night I began to feel dizzy and my head was light and my body if rocked felt to be uprooted, so I resigned then when I see the mattress in my secretariat rushed and I fell asleep. Looks like I'm exhausted because today is too tense and the effect of last week's event also has not subsided. So my low blood is recurring but it is getting worse approaching vertigo supported by very cold weather Kaliurang gripping that night.
Sunday, November 26, 2017
"Appeared Sick"
At half-past one in the morning I woke up, thank goodness my headache dizzy had gradually disappeared. I immediately rehearsed for the preparation of gymnastics (because I'm the coordinator for gymnastics) and then I went to gym and thought about choreography until three in the morning. After I was done and back again the mattress was fully loaded and the other rooms too, therefore I would not want to sleep on the floor with a blanket and covered my important jacket I can sleep.
At precisely five o'clock I was awakened to immediately prepare everything. Then I set up games and gymnastics again, a pretty tiring morning .. after gym and games me and my friends photos together and climbed up the villa and went for breakfast fried rice. After all, do not forget to give gifts and goodbye
When it came to kos about eleven o'clock in the morning I rushed to clean myself and not thought I was sleeping, wake up I opened my eyes dark kos and apparently it was already ten o'clock at night, it seems that I sleep dead at that time. Without eating I went to sleep, because tomorrow came in the morning.
Monday, November 27, 2017
"Get Sick"
The next day I woke up and had to go in at seven o'clock in the morning, but unfortunately my body all felt sore and it seemed like I was getting hot inside. But I strongly encourage myself to stay in college. Because I have to attend Mr. Yuli's class that is Data Structure Practice.
After two hundred minutes in the lab, finally finished lucky course today. Only one course I can hurry to go home and go rest total. And it looks like Monday ended with sleep without eating and drinking. But have not been able to cure my pain but still I rest my body.
Because after all my body also needs a very adequate rest and my eating patterns that I must keep. When night comes I actually will go kedokter but unfortunately because of the weather that is currently often the rain I did not go to the doctor and forced me to bear my pain overnight.
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