
Jumat, 05 Januari 2018


Sunday, December 31, 2017
"New Year's Eve"
         Earlier last year last year I held a burn-burn in a rented class of our friends that is in contracted Fransiska. Yesterday came about seventeen children and I was there cooking.

          At the beginning of the new year two eighteen I did not want to greet her with the crowds. I prefer to choose silence but because of a sedition from my friends, I was invited to cook and in the end I know, I who will become the cook I do not want to disappoint them.

          Finally there was a pretty good cook and a little help because friends help me in cooking. This makes me excited and I make delicious seasonings of soy sauce and ketchup on the eve of the New Year's Eve today.

          After ten o'clock to eat together, at eleven I played fireworks with my friends. I was invited right at zero-zero at the turn of the year to see fireworks at JCM, but I refused, actually my friends have been inviting since the afternoon but I insist on staying.

          But finally at the last minute exactly half an hour before zero-zero my defense finally shaky, after that me and my friends go there and even though traffic crowded smooth enough solid for the size of days usually crowded smoothly for the size of the road Magelang under.

Monday, January 01, 2018
"Even Without You"
         As you know very well, last year my first year and you passed the year together, our lady togetherness can not reach the point one year right? Me and you are now different and being the one who do not know each other

          Actually I want to feel my voice voice was already unable to get out because tangi I was also exhausted to get out, they goinan memories are present that scraped the wound. You are lost, like a firework that explodes and disappears after it lights up.

Hi new year, hopefully my memories with you last year can disappear as soon as possible you who have forgotten all the memories of me and you like the way.

Tuesday, January 02, 2018
"I am Strong"
          Thank you, thank you thank you for meeting me maturity that I can not be fast since with you You are like a magical strain that can hypnotize me.

          But life still has to walk, past memories should be as soon as I can leave. Because I also have life. Many of the responsibilities I left for you first

          I must rise again, I have to be strong all this without you here, by my side, beside me to walk with me. I need to be without you, even though the pain of life must keep going ...

 Goodbye you, the best memories from the good ...


Name :  Renita Aldea Merdeka Ariana
NIM  :  5160411117
Class :  Informatic “B” 2016

          Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.  Hallo let’s me introdacing my self, my name is Renita Aldea Merdeka Ariana, can you call me Renita or whatever what you want.
          This time I will make a second recording assignment given by Miss Katrina. The first job with the second task if the first yesterday I was assigned to make a description of the background of my city that is the city of Ngawi. Now I am assigned to describe my lessons and development for a semester in Communicative English taught by Miss Katrina.
          The first time I met Miss Katrina I was so enthusiastic, I was drawn from Miss Katrina's very fluent and fluid speech in saying the sentence in English. Somehow I enjoy the lessons he teaches. Because as long as I studied during school and college time this time I found someone teaching subjects and English courses that he enjoyed the lessons he taught.
          Do not know why I find sincerity and love in this communicative English, maybe because Miss Katrina teaches sincerely and loves English very much. Therefore I feel comfortable and eager in following this course.
          I admit, although many and actually very much the burden of the task given by Miss Katrina but somehow I really enjoy it. The task I consider not a burden but a responsibility that makes me disciplined to do so.
          Starting from creating a blog, wow from there I really like and support it. Because basically I like to write and I admit I previously rarely write. And I have a personal blogspot I made since I was in junior high school about seven years ago yes in 2011 (two thousand eleven). I started getting to know the internet and a place of work for me to aspire and describe and store my writing there and I can publish for everything too.
          But everyone got tired of each and I started busy with various activities, duties and other responsibilities that hinder my writing activities on blogspot forgotten and even had disappeared swallowed the earth. Therefore, thanks to the task given by Miss Katrina whose students are required to upload a diary every week. Here I am very grateful to Miss Katrina for having made my keyboard fingers and keyboard voiced again and dulled imagination re-honed because of Miss Katrina.
          In addition to the task of making a diary back to the recording task, this task in addition I can process the brain with words when recording, I also learned to say English well and correctly. I am required to be perfect in recording so that there are no blemishes and I am grateful for the first recording task I got a score of ninety-five. So this time my target is minimal I can maintain my value this.
          There are also English formulas that were at first difficult to understand and yet I understand thanks to the simple but solid explanation that Miss Katrina put on the blackboard, for some reason I can understand and understand it. Then there were small responsibilities given by Miss Katrina in class after the finished material notices were described. There, in addition to thrill giving a challenge to what extent I can understand the lessons taught by Miss Katrina before.
          Then last drama. Wow, I am here challenged to have a scene using English. Difficult again must use the theme of Fairy Tail or Lala Land which in fact a drama full of imaginative here we are required to sekreatif possible using a simple property but must be a stunning drama later. Although it must be dressed in complicated and requires a heavy concentration of memorization and must hit the heat and storm in order to create a funny drama, elegant, creative and weighs somehow this is very interesting.
          Of all the lessons I can take, essentially thanks to this Communicative English course I feel happy and thanks to Miss Katrina, lecturer who taught Communicative English I feel grateful to have taught me and be patient in our mischievous class Informatics B and do not forget our Miss Katrina . I am glad and grateful to be acquainted and taught by Miss Katrina.

          So many recording tasks from me, hopefully the recording and writing of this recording is not much wrong yes Miss Katrina. Glad to meet you. Hopefully our intimacy can continue beyond the classroom. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.


Name :  Renita Aldea Merdeka Ariana
NIM  :  5160411117

          Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb.  Hallo let’s me introdacing my self, my name is Renita Aldea Merdeka Ariana, can you call me Renita or whatever what you want.
          Kali ini saya akan membuat sebuah tugas rekording untuk kedua kalinya yang diberikan oleh Miss Katrina. Beda tugas yang pertama dengan tugas yang kedua jika yang pertama kemarin saya ditugaskan untuk membuat diskripsi tentang latar belakang kota tempat tinggal saya yaitu kota Ngawi. Sekarang saya ditugaskan untuk mendiskripsikan pelajaran dan perkembangan saya selama satu semester dalam Communicative English yang diajar oleh Miss Katrina.
          Pertama kali bertemu Miss Katrina saya sangat antusias, saya tertarik dari gaya bicara Miss Katrina yang sangat lancar dan luwes dalam berkata kalimat dalam bahasa Inggris. Entah kenapa saya menikmati pelajaran yang beliau ajar. Karena selama saya belajar ketika waktu sekolah dan kuliah baru kali ini saya menemukan seseorang pengajar mata pelajaran dan mata kuliah bahasa Inggris yang beliau menikmati pelajaran yang dia ajar.
          Tidak tahu kenapa saya menemukan ketulusan dan kecintaan dalam communicative English ini, mungkin karena Miss Katrina mengajar dengan tulus dan sangat mencintai Bahasa Inggris. Maka dari itu saya merasa nyaman dan bersemangat dalam mengikuti mata kuliah ini.
          Saya akui, meskipun banyak dan sebenarnya sangat banyak sekali beban tugas yang diberikan oleh Miss Katrina tapi entah mengapa saya sangat menikmati hal tersebut. Tugas tersebut saya anggap bukan beban tapi sebuah tanggung jawab yang membuat saya disiplin untuk melakukannya.
          Dimulai dari membuat sebuah blog, wow dari situ saya sangat menyukai dan mendukung hal tersebut. Karena pada dasarnya saya menyukai menulis dan saya akui saya sebelumnya sudah jarang sekali menulis. Dan saya mempunyai sebuah blogspot pribadi yang saya buat semenjak saya SMP kira-kira tujuh tahun lalu ya tepatnya pada tahun 2011 (dua ribu sebelas). Saya mulai mengenal internet dan sebuah tempat karya untuk saya bisa mengaspirasi dan menggambarkan serta menyimpan tulisan saya disitu dan saya bisa mempublikasikan untuk semuanya juga.
          Tetapi setiap orang punya lelahnya masing-masing dan saya mulai disibukkan dengan berbagai kegiatan, tugas dan tuntutan tanggung jawab lainnya yang menghambat kegiatan tulis-menulis saya di blogspot terlupakan dan bahkan sempat menghilang ditelan bumi. Maka dari itu berkat tugas yang diberikan oleh Miss Katrina yang mahasiswanya dituntut untuk mengupload sebuah diary setiap minggunya. Disini saya sangat amat berterimakasih kepada Miss Katrina karena telah membuat jari-jari dan papan keyboard saya bersuara lagi serta imajinasi yang tumpul kembali terasah karena Miss Katrina.
          Selain tugas membuat diary kembali ke tugas recording, tugas ini selain saya bisa mengolah otak dengan kata ketika merekam, saya juga belajar untuk berkata Bahasa Inggris dengan baik dan benar. Saya dituntut untuk bisa sempurna dalam merekam agar tidak ada cacat cela dan saya bersyukur tugas recording yang pertama saya mendapat nilai sembilan puluh lima. Maka kali ini target saya minimal saya bisa mempertahankan nilai saya ini.
          Ada juga rumus-rumus Bahasa Inggris yang pada mulanya sulit saya pahami dan belum saya mengerti berkat penjelasan sederhana tapi padat yang disampaikan Miss Katrina dipapan tulis, entah kenapa saya bisa mengerti dan paham akannya. Lalu ada responsi-responsi kecil yang diberikan Miss Katrina dikelas setelah selesai pemberitahuan materi yang dijelaskan. Disitu selain menegangkan memberikan tantangan tersendiri sampai sejauh mana saya bisa memahami pelajaran yang diajar oleh Miss Katrina sebelumnya.
          Lalu yang terakhir drama. Wow, saya disini ditantang untuk beradegan dengan menggunakan Bahasa Inggris. Sulitnya lagi harus menggunakan tema Fairy Tail atau Lala Land yang notabene sebuah drama yang penuh imajinatif disini kita dituntut untuk sekreatif mungkin menggunakan property yang seadanya tetapi harus menjadi sebuah drama yang menakjubkan nantinya. Meski harus berpakaian rumit dan membutuhkan konsentrasi hafalan yang berat serta harus menerjang panas dan badai agar terciptanya drama yang lucu, elegan, kreatif dan berbobot entah kenapa hal ini sangat menarik.
          Dari semuanya pelajaran yang bisa saya ambil, intinya berkat adanya mata kuliah Communicative English ini saya merasa senang dan berkat Miss Katrina, dosen yang mengajar Communicative English ini saya merasa berterimakasih telah mengajar saya dan bersabar dalam kenakalan kami kelas Informatika B dan jangan lupakan kami Miss Katrina. Saya senang dan bersyukur bisa berkenalan dan diajar oleh Miss Katrina.

          Sekian tugas recording dari saya, semoga pengucapan dan tulisan recording ini tidak banyak yang salah ya Miss Katrina. Senang bisa bertemu anda. Semoga keakraban kita bisa berlanjut diluar kelas. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb.
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